Thursday, March 11, 2010

Princess with a Purpose

I loved reading this chapter--After reading it I really began to believe and see that God knows everything there is to know about each and every one of us and has a purpose & plan for our lives. I also felt it was a good chapter because it discusses how as young ladies we sometimes put ourselves down. Sometimes we feel like "I'm not good enough", "pretty enough", "smart enough"...the list goes on and on. But God says Daughter, you are mine, go out and change the world. Read Psalm 139. Such a powerful Psalm--really hit home to me.

My favorite question at the end of this chapter was "Do you act differently when you feel beautiful? If so, share an example. What keeps you from believing that God calls you beautiful?"

For me, when things are going well in my life I feel beautiful. I feel as though I have it all together. However, whenever I am going through rough times I often see myself in a different light. I become less confident in the person I am on the outside and inside and begin to close myself off from others. I have also noticed that when I don't really believe that I'm pretty or feel confident in myself, I become more shy and reserved. When I feel beautiful I am usually more outgoing and confident in myself. I feel like I can change the world. Whenever I put on my finest clothes, "drees up", and wear make up, I usually have a better day because I feel confident, capable...beautiful. While it's easy to sometimes feel this way, it's crucial to realize that God calls us beautiful on the insdie and out each and every day. We are His daughters, His girl.

The truth is that God calls us beautiful every day, no matter what clothes we decide to put on that morning. We are "workmanship created in Christ Jesus".

I loved this chapter and I think it's crucial that we as young ladies realize that God created us and calls us beautiful and gives us our own unique purpose. We really need to believe it! Reading Psalm 139 (suggested by Claudia & Kim in the "One Girl Journal) really helped me to grasp this concept. After reading it, I realized that if I really believed I was beautiful every moment of every day, I would never have the feeling that I was not good enough.

God loves us unconditionally- He created us- calls us Beautiful- calls us His daughters- calls us His girl!!! It's so easy to walk through life and feel like no one really knows you and what's going on in your heart. Isn't it awesome to rest in knowing that there is someone out there that knows everything about you and knows you better than you even know yourself and has a plan for your life that is bigger than your wildest dreams?!

So I would like to encourage you to ask yourself this: what keeps me from believing I am beautiful as God calls me? How would I act if I really believed that? I would also suggest reading Psalm 139. I really got a lot out of it :)

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